Sunday, August 2, 2009

Al's Review of Funny People

tony says:
ok wanna tell the good folks out there why we decided to write this review?
Ivan says:
This review was written with the sole intent to make Al look bad. Why you ask? Because his reviews as of late have sucked. A lot.

tony says:
more than a lot

Ivan says:
I believe you have some telling stats you'd like to share with our readers Tony

tony says:
lets just focus on the funny people review though
tony says:
yes i have crunched some numbers and found that in the review we used 1118 words... al used: 133 words

tony says:
thats 11.8 % of the review

Ivan says:
If there were 10 people writing the review, that would be an awesome contribution!
Ivan says:
But alas, there are 3 of us. And 90% of the review was carried by the two mules we like to call Tony and Ivan. What this number tells me is that AL is a diva.

tony says:
please explain

Ivan says:
You see, a diva is somebody who is really famous for doing stuff (like Al is famous for being Alphonse (Carlton) from Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and the perverted forensics guy from Dexter). The problem with divas is that they do nothing and expect everything!

Ivan says:

It makes no sense to regular joes like you and I (as well as our loyal readers), but divas don't see the world like we do. They see the world through special 3D goggles that grant their every wish. What happens when they don't get what they want? They throw a hissy fit, tantrum, you name it, and write piss-poor reviews to top it off.

tony says:
i agree 100%
tony says:
i mean i can understand if everything al wrote in this review was profound.. but lets take a look at some of his contributions

Ivan says:
Alex says in the review"He died for you a while back"

Ivan says:

who is Al referring to here? Jesus?

Ivan says:

i dont know either
tony says:
"should've been renamed stupid people"

this is the equivalent of a grade 1 calling his friend poop-breath

Ivan says:

Ivan says:

Ivan says:

kids dont know what breath means
Ivan says:

it'd be like. "no, you're a stupid head!"
tony says:
tony says:
he says "still crap"
thanks for your two word contribution al.. i understand fully what u mean
tony says:
basically i've seen better journal responses for "what did you do for christmas?" from grade 2 morons

tony says:
"for chritsmaaz i seeen a satna claws"

Ivan says:
"this review is being falsely advertised"

-Al did make a solid point here.
our site is advertised to be "Three friends who try to watch a movie every Saturday, while desperately trying to grab the railing seats (for maximum leg comfort), do a simple yet epic review of the film being watched."

Ivan says: Only two people did a simple yet epic review of the film being watched (Funny People). One person did a simple review.
tony says:
so i'm giving al a 1/10... he basically couldve been replaced by a random word generator here tony says: woulda been more entertaining anyway
Ivan says:
I to am giving our friend Alphonse a 1/10. The review was our first since my triumphant return to Canada and it could have been legen - wait for it - dary!

Ivan says:

tony says:
play him AL off keyboard cat!

Ivan says:

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