Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Road

tony says:
IT'S A LONG LONG ROAD!!! FROM WHICH THERE IS NOOOOO RETURN! HE AINT HEAVY HE'S MY BROTHER!!! great book... mediocre movie.. great viggo
Alex says:
THE ROAD GOES EVER ON AND ON! DOWN FROM THE DOOR WHERE IT BEGAN!never read the book, short stories? meh... but viggo is the shit... if anyone can survive the road, its him
tony says:
al do u think viggo asks the director as often as possible if he could do a scene bare-assed?
Alex says:
yes, infact in every film I think he asks that. Peter Jackson said no though, cuz the know
tony says:
"uh i was just thinking that maybe this scene would be more powerful if i was in bare ass.."
and you know what.. it usually is more powerful. viggo is the man
Alex says:
"I know we're suppose to be in sub-zero temps. but maybe if i swam out to that oil tanker...say...buck'll be more realistic?"
tony says:
what is your social commentary on the road.. i cant wait to hear this. and why do you hate the kid? i thought he was the heart and soul of the film, well of the book anyway
Alex says:
I don't like the current social portrayal of pre-tween boys in films from The Road to Wild Tings
tony says:
Alex says:
the kid is the reason there is a movie, and thats not a good reason
tony says:
no the movie is about how love conquers all. oh man.. i've changed! who am i?!
Alex says:
I don't know you! you want to see New Moon
tony says:
only so i can do a review on it!
Alex says:
anyways back to the douche bag kid, they're too much of useless crybabies and wusses.
they never get anything done, pulls everyone around them down and just cries and cries
tony says:
he's trying to survive ARMAGGEDDEN! and he's just a boy! i've seen you watch deep impact.. and you went into the fetal position.. this boy is LIVING it!
Alex says:
if the kid grew up post apocalyptic, I don't believe he would be this compasionate
tony says:
viggo raised him to be! HE CARRIES THE FIRE!
Alex says:
he snuffed out the fire with his endless sniffeling
tony says:
he is humanity in a world without feelings! omg who am i?
Alex says:
2012 had more feelings
tony says:
i'll 2012 your face!
Alex says:
I don't know if old Tony is back or this is some unholy union of new & old Tony
tony says:
a hybrid? i think i hate myself and love myself! did you like the many cameos in this film? our favourite scumbag is back!
Alex says:
the cameo was awesome, he needs more scumbag roles, or at least break out into something new, like a romcom
tony says:
robert duval is the man, ok i think this is how a apolcalyptic movie is supposed to be done.. albeit it was kinda long and boring sometimes.. 7.5/10 for me
Alex says:
the dirtiets hobo evar! 7/10, not too interesting and no action, but the bleakness portrayed in the scenery was well done
tony says:
and the kid was awesome
Alex says:
Bleakness should have credits
tony says:
bleaker or less bleak than 2012?
Alex says:
the kid needed to be backhanded back inside Charlize! bleaker! this is like 2012 aftermath, if ppl still lived on North America
tony says:
charlize was the most useless character in the film.. has she EVER done a good film?

The Chelios Heart Award
Al's Pick:
Vigoo "The Man" Mortensen
Tony's Pick: the kid

Line of the Movie:
"yur boy suuure looks ungry!"
"yes i do. YES I DO!"

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