Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Men Who Stare at Goats

tony says:
ok our long long delayed review for goats.. i must admit i dont remember much about the film... what do you have to say al?
Alex says:
They needed jedi knights to fight the commies!This film was Meta! it transcends its own celluloid trappings to touch films like Oceans and Star Wars trilogy Mind Blown!
tony says:
meta or no meta the ending was terrible.. and i thought jeff bridges might be even a shadow of himself when he was The Dude, but it wasnt so! funny parts were all in the trailer and i dont like ewan.. never have
Alex says:
Ewan is the man! hes a frickin Jedi Knight! he can run through walls
tony says:
not enough goats? too much goats? or just enough goats?
Alex says:
not enough! needed much much more goats on scene
tony says:
hahah there were a lot though but i agree! ok so it wasnt a terrible film.. it had it's moments... had some goats.. had some men to stare at these goats... but overall it wasnt as good as i suspected! not very memorable, 'cause i cant think of anything to say
Alex says:
it was funny enough, but you're right, it could have been much better, the audience seemed to enjoy it enough but I don't trust the AMC16 audience
tony says:
i dont even remember but i have the same mistrust
Alex says:
the winston churchill crowd is a step above
tony says:
6.5/10 for me.. it was different.. and it was funny at times.
Alex says:
6/10 for me, 5 goats and 1 LSD laced scrambled egg, the ending ruined it
tony says:
oh i forgot about the druggings! spacey is a douche
Alex says:
he is a douche!
Alex says:
I dun like that spacey guy!

The Chelios Heart Award
Al's Pick:
Ewan's character, which I don't even remember the name
Tony's Pick: jeff bridges

Line of the Movie:
"I live on her red earth and eat her green crust"
"right now what the world needs, is jedis"

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