Sunday, November 1, 2009

Saw VI

Alex says:
to get ppl in the mood:
tony says:
ok what can you say about saw?
tony says:
same crap
tony says:
every year
tony says:
more clips from the past and more confusion
Alex says:
maybe 6 is the last,
Alex says:
but I don't think they'll stop
tony says:
they'll never stop
tony says:
eventually it will just all be clips from old saw movies..
Alex says:
with idiots like use perpetuating the crap spewing movie making machine, this will keep coming out, look at the producers of scary movie 4, i think that was a tag line for a movie
tony says:
i've said it once and i'll say it again though.. they're not to blame.. we are.. we keep watching this garbage
Alex says:
they'd have to recap the whole collection of saw and saw XIV will be a 5 hour epic art piece
tony says:
haha true
tony says:
anyway the last thing i want to do in life right now is a saw review
tony says:
tony says:
Alex says:
saw saw...saw sawwww saawwww sawwww saw saw sawww sawa sawww!!!
Alex says:
3/10 sounds about right too

The Chelios Heart Award
Al's Pick:
jigsaw, cuz the man is a mastermind
Tony's Pick: us for hanging in there

Line of the Movie:
"Hello, I want to play a..." ah fuck it
"this is not my game!"

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