Monday, August 30, 2010

The Other Guys

Ivan says:
Hey Tony
tony says:
hey man
Ivan says:
seen any funny buddy-cop movies lately?
tony says:
funny you should ask
tony says:
i think this movie had a lot of laughs!
Ivan says:
It did, it's been a while since I've seen a movie that made me shed a tear
Ivan says:
nothing too cheesy or lame, just good old fashioned laughs
tony says:
thats what im saying.. it didnt need to resort to (although it did a little) raunchiness and over the topness
tony says:
had tons of one liners too
Ivan says:
and Mark Wahlberg's face!
tony says:
you'd think wahlberg would be the less funny of the two
tony says:
but he was great
Ivan says:
They did keep the raunchiness to the bare minimum, And Will Ferrell was fully clothed the entire movie!
Ivan says:
He's basically has the body of an adonis, but i'm sick of seeing him in tighty whities
tony says:
im sick of ferrell's antics
tony says:
but he was pretty good in this one
Ivan says:
He was!
Ivan says:
I think his over the topness killed my like of him, a while back
tony says:
lets face it tho
tony says:
he's still the same guy
tony says:
just he's not center stage
tony says:
good to see the rock doing something other than being a magical fairy or being a babysitter
Ivan says:
Seeing that poster for his other upcoming action flick was a breath of fresh air!
tony says:
Ivan says:
his performance in this movie, as an over the top, gungho, cowboy police officer made me forget about the tooth fairy movie...almost.. I just hope he delivers in "Faster"
tony says:
he will man
tony says:
he will
Ivan says:
PS. i heard he's in Fast and the Furious 5!!
tony says:
there's gonna be another?!?!
Ivan says:
Ivan says:
and check this!
Ivan says:
another movie in pre-production titled "Protection"
tony says:
having a movie called protection can be misleading.. what if it's about a child in a witness protection program.. and he's a guardian angel that protects him/her with his tears?
Ivan says:
wanna know the plot?
Ivan says:
"A disgraced former American Special Forces operative attempts to clear his name by rescuing a judge's kidnapped daughter from a Mexican cartel."
tony says:
Ivan says:
special forces and Rock = OMG i can't wait!!
tony says:
how did this turn into a rock review?
Ivan says:
I didn't mean to derail this review, but we have to face facts. Rock has hit rock bottom, in terms of movies as of late. It seems his contract with Disney has expired, and he's back to kicking ass on the big screen.
tony says:
if for only that reason, would u give this movie here a thumbs up?
Ivan says:
Two thumbs up! Hands down
tony says:
i mean i wish we can just tell everyone the awesome lines that are in this movie
tony says:
how about the keaton?

Ivan says:
So old!
Ivan says:
Hey Mike, ever heard of Botox?
Ivan says:
I kid, but really, he's so old!
tony says:
the man has aged truly terribly
Ivan says:

He makes my grandma look like a neutrogena model
tony says:
tony says:
he delivered tho with those TLC lines
Ivan says:
Don't go chasing waterfalls, Tony
Ivan says:
Oh! you really want to laugh?
Ivan says:
remember the two annoying partners that they didn't like?
Ivan says:
Rob Riggle and...
Ivan says:
Damon Wayans Jr
Ivan says:
shocking, i know!
tony says:
he's a wayan?!
Ivan says:
LOL yeah
tony says:
the son of a wayan?!?!
tony says:
i was gonna say he did look like a wayan!
tony says:
but i didnt want to sound racist
Ivan says:
Guess he couldn't cut it for "Vampires Suck"
tony says:
im sure one wayan is in that
tony says:
see that sounds racist
Ivan says:
Yeah, you really aren't helping your case
Ivan says:
Don't forget to edit that line out
tony says:
i only edit al's lines
tony says:
fresh start?
Ivan says:
Fresh start!
tony says:
good summer movie overall.. good for some laughs.. really funny lines at times..
Ivan says:
I'll definitely watch it again once it comes to DVD
tony says:
tony says:
7/10 for me
tony says:
pay attention to the scene where wahlberg meets eva mendes
tony says:
really funny
Ivan says:
8/10 for making me forget where I was for 1.5 hours. I don't know why, but it just sucked me in and I really enjoyed it. Been a while since a movie really captured me (a comedy, anyway). Plus I love buddy films
tony says:
it was just what u needed

The Chelios Award
Tony's Pick: wahlberg
Ivan: marky mark

Line of the Movie:

Tony: "i think i want another fresh start, 'cause i feel like punching you in the face"
Ivan: "I need an MRI.. I have soft-tissue damage...MRI!"

tony says:

man was it hard to come up with a line for u?
Ivan says:
lol not at all
Ivan says:
hard to pick one
tony says:
soo many to choose from
Ivan says:
lol yeah! that's what i meant
tony says:
"it's like twenty miles!"
Ivan says:
so many to choose, no shortage that's for sure
tony says:
and all the parts where they make fun of the prius
Ivan says:
Ivan says:
omg yeah!
Ivan says:
they hit that thing right in the balls (if it had them)
Ivan says:
and Gator
Ivan says:
Ivan says:
i kinda liked that persona
tony says:
Ivan says:
tony says:
oh man gator
Ivan says:
"Gator needs his gat"

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Iron Man 2

A review we wanted to write when the movie first came out, but never had time to. Here it is, late and lame. Enjoy.

Alex says:
I want to model my life like Tony Stark
tony says:
and i saw this movie before, when it was called iron man 1
tony says:
and what they gaind in having don cheadle.. they lost by having a WAY dumber version of gwyneth paltrow
tony says:
RDJ is awesome.. and i have no beef with tony starks character
Ivan says:
Downey always brings it
Ivan says:
he was born to play T stark
Alex says:
(expletive) pls, ScarJo?! c'mon
Ivan says:
she's the WORST heroine ever!
Ivan says:
gimme a break
Alex says:
she could stand there and be awesome
tony says:
i didnt even remember she was in the film
Alex says:
leather cat suit? *shudder
tony says:
they coulda used more mickey rourke too
tony says:
he stole every scene
Alex says:
I got my rourke fill in expendables
Ivan says:
Even there his role was limited
tony says:
scarjo had some cool fight scenes im not gonna discredit that.. but she sucked otherwise
Ivan says:
her fight scenes were the most action packed
tony says:
he probably cant work too long on any movie
tony says:
its in his contract
Alex says:
they'd have to plug him back on whatever juice hes running on
Ivan says:
tony says:
mickey did the rolento super move from alpha 2
tony says:
"hip HIP!"
tony says:
what did u guys think about war machine?
Alex says:
well done, but need more fire-powa
Alex says:
maybe a proton cannon
Ivan says:
I love warmachine
Ivan says:
always have loved that badass suit
tony says:
he did look pretty cool yeah
Ivan says:
I'm glad it wasn't terrance/torrance/whatever howard
tony says:
but guys i think i speak for us all when i say.. it has been a while since we watched this movie...
Ivan says:
it has
Alex says:
it was back in may, wasn't that long ago?
Ivan says:
but really, what happened?
Ivan says:
intro: mickey rourke's life has been ruined by Iron Man he must get revenge
Ivan says:
middle plotting and scheming
more plotting and scheming
Ivan says:
end: the most anti-climatic ending ever
Ivan says:
epic fight between rourke and IM/WM
tony says:
exactly!! and also i cannot give it a good review because the one thing that stands out in my mind is one particular ulcer-inducing scene.. ulcers of course being caused by H.PYLORI!
tony says:
this scene was when gwyneth paltrow stares in confusion at a iron man drone about to explode.. not realizing what it meant..
tony says:
you're the CEO of a weapons manufactuer! you're staring at a red blinking light thats beeping and going faster.. and you don;'t know its a bomb?!?!
tony says:
Alex says:
shes new to the job
Alex says:
and distracted by scarjo
tony says:
a red blinking light that goes faster is a gd ARCHETYPE for danger
Ivan says:
it's the gold standard for imminent doom!
tony says:
ivan i agree completely about the anticlimatic too
tony says:
mickey like jeff bridges died way too easy
Ivan says:
I know what else you're going to agree about. Tony Stark discovering a NEW element, using a 30 year OLD architectural thingie
tony says:
tony says:
apparantely he's an alchemist
Ivan says:
he is!
Ivan says:
i like the way they built it up
tony says:
i think i blocked that part out
Ivan says:
they did a montage and everything. him struggling to come up with new crap
Ivan says:
then BAAM
Ivan says:
i've got it!
Ivan says:
it's been there all along!
tony says:
Ivan says:
Alex says:
hes Tony Stark, he can make a new element outta anything?!
Alex says:
in a CAVE!
tony says:
equally as rediculous al
tony says:
anyway.. it was fun at times.. 6.5/10 for me
Ivan says:
I'll give it a 7
Alex says:
I enjoyed the buildup to the Avengers, no where near as fun as the first Iron Man, 7/10
tony says:
wow we agree for once!

The Chelios Award
Al's Pick:
Blaaaaackkkk Widooowww... mmmmm mmmm good
Tony's Pick: Ayron-Men for wanting world peace
Ivan: christopher lloyd

Line of the Movie:
" Take his bird, pillows; take those....his shoes! Take his Shoes!"
Tony: "i want one!"
Ivan: Rourke, in his russian accent: we must kill the Ayron-Men

Piranhas 3D

tony says:
this is one of the few times ever.. where i honestly felt tremendous shame coming out of a movie
Ivan says:
i didn't say anything, but aroud halfway through i thought "we should just get up and leave"
Ivan says:
first time in my life i've thought that
Ivan says:
school not included of course
tony says:
i woulda left for sure
Alex says:
oh please, its a modern day grindhouse film, 50 years from now, the Tarantino of their time would be recreating what Piranhas 3D has done
tony says:
look i'm not retarded, it's piranhas 3D i get it.. i wasnt expecting citizen effing kane but al are you like the simon cowell of railing seats? do you have to go against everything we say? 'cause i know you couldnt have liked that film!
Ivan says:
I was quite surprised by the amount of positive reviews on RT
Ivan says:
Ivan says:
such is life
Alex says:
this film has found what 3D cinema should be, blood and boobs
tony says:
it was an exploitation film!
Alex says:
film was everything it set out to be, it didn't hold anything back or pretend it was anything more, pure blood and guts, boobs, they even got a pornstar to be in the film
Ivan says:
I'd feel even worse if I was in my 30s watching this with all the kids sitting up front
Alex says:
it may not be a blockbuster, but its what summer grindhouse movie should encompass
Ivan says:
a lame one
tony says:
the film was nothing like it was shown to be
tony says:
look at the trailer
Alex says:
tell me what you were expecting, cuz I got everything I wanted and a sapphic underwater 3d boob experience
Alex says:
were you expecting a centre of the earth with Brandon Fraser 3d movie?
tony says:
i was expecting like a deep blue sea, or at the very least an anaconda-esque film
Alex says:
and wasn't? + gore and nudity?
tony says:
you cant compare the gore
Ivan says:
i get what you're saying tony
Ivan says:
it felt like a b-movie
tony says:
Al have you gone completely mental?
Alex says:
unless you were expecting plot and a scientific explantion on how the 2million year old piranhas survived?
Ivan says:
of course not, that's just ridiculous
tony says:
if you're idea of gore has to be THAT severe then you're eli roth incarnate
tony says:
have you seen deep blue sea?
tony says:
it was retarded
tony says:
but it wasnt exploitation in 3D
Ivan says:
and the 3D wasn't even 3D
Ivan says:
that's also bs
Ivan says:
the movie is called "piranha 3d" and it's another post production PoS 3d movie
tony says:
Alex says:
so what you're saying is, this film was too over the top for you?
tony says:
it was stupid
tony says:
and too way over the top yes
Alex says:
thats all you had to say, whats with the personal attacks?
Ivan says:
lol what personal attacks?
Alex says:
I was likened to simon cowell
Ivan says:
that was weeks ago!
tony says:
Alex says:
I don't appreciate that
Alex says:
but he knows his american idols
Ivan says:
I'm sure Tony's very apologetic and sorry, but moving on
Ivan says:
could you believe this movie feature mermaids?
Ivan says:
that was awesome!
Ivan says:
oh nevermind, those two twats only had mermaid-like breath-holding capabilities
Ivan says:
wtf was that about?
tony says:
yes those girls could hold their breaths forever
tony says:
and i found it impressive as well that the pirahanas had selective killing
Ivan says:
lol yeah
Alex says:
they were full on that other guy that they tossed in as bait
tony says:
al i was talking about when jerry o'connel and that blond girl fell in the water.. why didnt they attack jerry at all?
Alex says:
if I was a piranha, I too would go after the blonde
Ivan says:
so they could use him later as bait!
Ivan says:
duh, the piranhas also read the script, Tony
tony says:
HAHAHA they must have
tony says:
basically watching this movie was like seeing a girls gone wild video directed by eli roth
tony says:
thats the best summary i can give
Ivan says:
it's quite accurate
Alex says:
which I enjoyed
Alex says:
Ivan says:
Al, you have a lifetime membership to GGW
Ivan says:
so you're quite biased
Alex says:
I enjoyed my piranha exploitation film, years from now...this film will be lost in time, save for those film 'dvds' that are saved and someone somewhere would have uploaded online (or whatever the equilavent is in the future) for all to enjoy again
Alex says:
tony says:
and al i'm not gonna bash you anymore.. your review speaks for itself
tony says:
i do want to talk about the one thing about the movie i did like tho
tony says:
and that's christopher lloyd
tony says:
he was great.. and his rants were epic
Ivan says:
Yes! He was fantastic. But then again, when isn't he fantastic?
Ivan says:
omg, incredible rants!
Ivan says:
He's still got it after all these years
tony says:
tony says:
i'm just surprised there was richard dreyfuss in this film and oscar winner elizabeth shue
tony says:
but i have nothing else to say.. terrible film
tony says:
i'm too old for this crap
Alex says:
great film! would recommend, if to guys only
Ivan says:
I was wating for Lloyd to say "roads?where we're going we don't need roads!" and then "Marty!"
tony says:
oh man if he woulda said that.. it would've been because he was senile
Ivan says:
And ving rhames? how the mighty have fallen!
Ivan says:
He was never "good" but still, he's done
tony says:
OH i did forget about ving rhames
tony says:
he's always at least tolerable though
tony says:
3/10 for me
Ivan says:
4/10 becuase i got a kick-ass pair of new glasses!
Ivan says:
but then -0.5 for the salty popcorn
Alex says:
8 >}}}}})'> / 10
Alex says:
thats a fish 8 fishes /10
Ivan says:
oh wait, nvm. i change mine
Ivan says:
2/10 for piranhas 2D becuase that's what it really was
Ivan says:
Ivan says:
make a proper 3D movie you lazy sacks of crap

The Chelios Award
Al's Pick:
Jerry o'connell's character, cuz even in death, he cared about one thing
Tony's Pick: ving rhames
Ivan: christopher lloyd

Line of the Movie:
" these piranhas have not been seen on earth in 2 million years!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111onee111.1!!!!"
Ivan: " the piranha hunts in packs. the first bite draws blood, blood draws the pack."

tony says:
easily the worst film i seen this year.. watch dead snow for a proper way at making these type of films.. eli roth must be stopped
Ivan says:
AL you can't pick a Lloyd line
Ivan says:
pick somethig worse please!!
tony says:
and al how can you like a film so raunchy it had a floating penis to get laughs?
tony says:
i just need to ask that
Ivan says:
a floating, mangled,mutilated one
tony says:
answer that for us al
Alex says:
I didn't laugh, but it was what it was, and it did a damn good job of it
tony says:
bravo al
tony says:

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Expendables

tony says:
ok expendables
Alex says:
or old action stars from the 80s reunion
Alex says:
so after Ivan mentioned Sly's running, all I saw in my mind was his hobbeling on the dock scene last night
Ivan says:
If right now was 1989, we'd all be in critical care at sick kids hospital
tony says:
Ivan says:
Think about how badly this movie would have made your brain explode as a 9 year old
tony says:
i was feeling a bit of head trauma regardless
Ivan says:
I used to think Rambo was a real hero.
Alex says:
their presence alone, together on screen would have caused cars and buildings to explode, snipers getting headshotted and women being rescued and one liners to scroll across the screen
tony says:
and i still cant hear as well as i could before going into the film
Ivan says:
what? i can't hear you
Ivan says:
Really though. That was louder than any concert I've ever attended
tony says:
it was like shock and awe
Ivan says:
What they couldn't explode in my brain, they did to my eardrums
Alex says:
I think theres a crater on that island now
tony says:
what island?!
tony says:
that island is no more man
Ivan says:
No man is an island
Alex says:
it sank?
tony says:
if you have five guys like that on an island blowing it up
tony says:
you just have water
Alex says:
theres a hole and water filled up
tony says:
what was more confusing to you guys... trying to read shakespeare for the first time.. or the plot of this movie?
Alex says:
actually trying to understand Rourke's soliloquy was way harder, and comprehending why that was written into the film
tony says:
tony says:
wtf did that come from?!?!
Ivan says:
Theoretically, this movie had more potential than any movie ever made. Forget those pansies from the Ocean's series, this was ginormous!
Ivan says:
Quick, name an 80s action flick
tony says:
delta force
Alex says:
Ivan says:
Ivan says:
one thing was missing
Ivan says:
Ivan says:
but, someone from expendables was probably in delta force
Alex says:
then they needed seagal and JCVD
tony says:
they had STONE COLD
tony says:
Ivan says:
tony says:
Ivan says:
Ivan says:
Ivan says:
Ivan says:
ok ok, no more
Ivan says:
i swear
Ivan says:
until later, at least
tony says:
i agree with you both tho
tony says:
in theory this should of worked
tony says:
tony says:
i never knew what their mission was.. i didnt know what the point of the girl was.. angel from dexters character was more confusing than the most epic biblical characters.. and guys from sly's crew kept dissappearing then reappearing
tony says:
and i didnt know randy coulture had wolverines healing powers.. cause the dude clearly got capped
Ivan says:
Yeah, he even fell "dramatically" to the floor as if he would never get up again
Ivan says:
i was ready to shed a tear
Alex says:
Randy blocked bullets with his ears
Alex says:
he even explained it
Alex says:
I think the ratio of each action star to explosion from their individual film works by themselves, but when they are all mixed in together its like 8 action stars to their combined explosion : death : more explosion, into one film, it doesn't leave room for much else
Ivan says:
hence the noise. touche al
tony says:
there were a lot of cool hand to hand moves too
tony says:
ken's axe kick from street fighter
tony says:
and a whole bunch of various heart punches
Ivan says:
omg yeah! Flying heart punches, courtesy of Randy "the natural" Couture
tony says:
made me want to be heart punched
Ivan says:
Ivan says:
I'll heart punch you tomorrow
Ivan says:
tony says:
Ivan says:
Jason Statham's fight sequences were probably my favorite
Ivan says:
he was sick!
tony says:
but his side story made me sick
Alex says:
he deflated balls
Ivan says:
lol yeah, the side story was a really cheap tactic
Ivan says:
they have to throw it into any action movie it seems like
Ivan says:
female love interest.... check
lover's quarrel....check
visit her again for some inexplicable reason....check
she got her ass beat by the guy she left you for..... check
go find the dude and beat his ass.......check
beat up 12 of his friends as well......check
love restored!
tony says:
hang on guys
tony says:
somethings coming over me
tony says:
tony says:
tony says:
tony says:
tony says:
Alex says:
so I heard they had to find Drago from the streets for the filming of this movie,
tony says:
drago has aged terribly
tony says:
but i still think stallone looks the worst
Alex says:
would you say there were scenes where they had a wax mannequin to stand in for stallone?
tony says:
tony says:
stallone is starting to look like a woman
tony says:
and ivan
tony says:
love restored?
tony says:
they left that in the air.. maybe we can get a rom com spin off of the movie
Ivan says:
Ivan says:
nice call!
Ivan says:
i'd watch
tony says:
and omg... we didnt even mention that statham smiled 3 times!
Alex says:
well, that is a universal truth that I live by, go beat up their current bf, and then they will fall in love with you, maybe even proposals on the spot
tony says:
hahaha 'i'll marry you'
Ivan says:
Ivan says:
I didn't mean to side track. Let's get back to our "aged heroes". i think it's a really interesting theme
Ivan says:
Stallone does look disgusting. Repulsive even
tony says:
but stathom! smiling
tony says:
has it ever happened?
Ivan says:
yes! three times it happened, tony. But it was all during the expendables
tony says:
Alex says:
stallone can smile
Alex says:
tony says:
all this
tony says:
and we havent even mentioned jet li
tony says:
or bruce willis and ahnold
Ivan says:
Ivan says:
he can won!
Ivan says:
trust me, that guy can won
tony says:
he would've win!
Ivan says:
Jet Li really got jobbed this flick
tony says:
tony says:
what was the power rating of the room when bruce willis, ahnold, and stallone was in the church?
Ivan says:
over 9000 without breaking a sweat
Alex says:
it can't be measured
Ivan says:
just imagine
Ivan says:
and really, use all the imaginative powers of your mind
Ivan says:
if Arnold and Stallone did the "dutch and carl weathers arm wrestling" handshake
Ivan says:
how would you have reacted?
tony says:
i'd be dead
tony says:
plain and simple
tony says:
Ivan says:
i would have gone BAT-s**** crazy!
tony says:
and if i didnt die. i'd want to be dead
tony says:
if at any point nic cage walked in.. i'd be dead too
Ivan says:
I'd kill you if you didn't die
tony says:
by way of heart punch
Ivan says:
tony says:
in fact
tony says:
just heart punch me
tony says:
i want to go
Ivan says:
I'm gonna text you a heart punch. brb!
tony says:
tony says:
Alex says:
dillon should've replaced the shotgun guy
Ivan says:
that would have been more fitting
Ivan says:
tony says:
Ivan says:
let me make sure dillon's not dead
Ivan says:
that could be the reason
Alex says:
the shotgun got credits too
tony says:
Alex says:
did you see?
tony says:
did it?!
Alex says:
lol no
tony says:
it should've
tony says:
it would've in scott pilgrim
Ivan says:
he's still alive, but he hasn't done an action flick in about 20 years which leads me to believe he's dying. really slowly
Ivan says:
the shot gun made the earth move
tony says:
dhillon will never die!
Ivan says:
not in my heart!
Alex says:
he shot buildings apart with it
tony says:
all this being said
tony says:
i still have to give the film only a 6/10
tony says:
i just cant give it any higher.. even tho my heart was punched and i almost died
Alex says:
over 9k/10
Alex says:
Alex says:
the movie is rated as many charges were planted
Ivan says:
every time he shot someone with that gun, 14 pounds of flesh exploded from the body
Ivan says:
5.5 for me
tony says:
maybe the shotgun was a symbolism for dhillon?
Ivan says:
i think so!
Ivan says:
Dhillon was the shotgun
Ivan says:
nice pickup tony!
Ivan says:
tony says:
maybe we also need a part 2 review of this film?
Ivan says:
Ivan says:
we didn't cover 90% of the movie!
tony says:
and maybe we also need expendable tatoos?
Alex says:
I already got mine
Alex says:
Rourke did it, in like 1 min
Alex says:
while telling me a story
Ivan says:
omg, we didn't even talk about Mickey
Ivan says:
jeez, part 2 will be EPIC
tony says:
i want stallone to shoot me with a gun knife
Ivan says:
me too!
tony says:
i just mean that we need to do a part two review for the film.. not a review for the sequel
Ivan says:
that's what i meant!
tony says:
tony says:
al you in?
Ivan says:
If you can't make it Al, i'll cover for you and do your parts as well
Alex says:
I would like to review the explosions
Ivan says:
damn, a 3-parter!
Ivan says:
tony says:
tony says:
tony says:
maybe we do a review
tony says:
on each individual guy!
tony says:
tahts like 9 reviews!
Ivan says:
there are so many layers to this movie, it sickens me
tony says:
ivan wanna change our rating?
tony says:
im thinking 10/10 now
Ivan says:
Guys, i think it's bigger than all of us
tony says:
it is!
Ivan says:
yeah, im thinking at least 9
Ivan says:
wtf were we thinking?
tony says:
tony says:
Alex says:
tony says:
Ivan says:
F it
Ivan says:
Ivan says:
mark it dude
tony says:
tony says:
look for our in depth review on each individual of the film!
tony says:
tony says:
it was a pleasure
Ivan says:
same here
Ivan says:
i feel like I've grown as a human being
Ivan says:
just from sharing my feelings about this epic piece of cinema

The Chelios Award
Al's Pick:
the pyrotechnics hired for this film
Tony's Pick: stallone
Ivan: Stallone for making the film

Line of the Movie:
"pew pew, pow! kabooooom fwooohmp! baaaaang! snikt!"
Tony: "she paints? thats how it starts!!!"
Ivan: "next time I deflate all your balls"

Ivan says:
snikt?? i didn't see wolverine!

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

Alex says:
so I didn't really enjoy scott pilgrim vs the world
Alex says:
am I getting old?
Ivan says:
that's a curveball
tony says:
not old
tony says:
we're the same age
tony says:
so you're getting retarded
Alex says:
I dunno, the movie is kinda retarded
Alex says:
yeah, I went there
Ivan says:
tony says:
al i want to remind you
tony says:
you thought hot tub time machine was awesome
Ivan says:
tony says:
so im sorry if this movie wasnt as deep as hot tub
tony says:
but it certainly was way less retarded
Ivan says:
yeah, how deep was hot tub, 40 cm?
Ivan says:
Alex says:
what is this tran-altanticocean shit?
Alex says:
while I'm sure old me would be like, awesome, some kid thats in a band likes this hot girl and he fights these guys that are all videogame-esque and theres random stuff happening and its in toronto...I didn't get what the hype was
tony says:
let me quote something
tony says:
"Alex says:
while I'm sure old me would be like, awesome, some kid thats in a band likes this hot girl and he fights these guys that are all videogame-esque and theres random stuff happening and its in toronto...I didn't get what the hype was"
tony says:
dude you missed all the awesome things about the movie
tony says:
ivan please help me
Alex says:
like what?
Ivan says:
Ivan says:
it made me laugh, on more than one occassion
Ivan says:
it made me forget about the 7kg book i've been reading the past week
tony says:
the seinfeld spoof!!, the pee bar, the 1 up, the video game references
Alex says:
it was funny, it wasn't lol funny, and wtf is with the seinfeld parody in the middle of the film?
Alex says:
thats just weird and random
tony says:
see you're a hypocrite
Alex says:
so random is funny now?
tony says:
'cause weird and random was why you liked the crank films
Ivan says:
they made no sense!
Ivan says:
but we loved them
Ivan says:
the double standard lives!
tony says:
you just hate it cause i loved it so much
Alex says:
crank films was different, it was action, he needed to get help, fine I can live with that
tony says:
vegan super powers!
tony says:
epic head butt! what more do you want?
Alex says:
I enjoyed the vegan part, but the rest was meh
Alex says:
the tag line was epic movie of epic epicness
Ivan says:
Perhaps Al was distracted while watching the movie
tony says:
yes perhaps he was
tony says:
i mean if you didnt like the film cause michael cera was in it
tony says:
thats one thing
tony says:
and i'd understand that
Alex says:
yeah, I didn't even mention that Cera douche
Alex says:
now Schwartzman
Alex says:
... just kidding
tony says:
tony says:
i give up
tony says:
i never thought some one who liked video games as much as you did could not enjoy this film
Ivan says:
It seems it's time to move on to the expendables
Ivan says:
I'm sorry to disappoint all of our loyal readers
Ivan says:
sorry, Bird
tony says:
im not ready to move on yet
Alex says:
yeah, I could just go play video games then, why would I watch a film about it
tony says:
that doesnt even make sense
Alex says:
if it was a throwback or nostalgia, then it came too late
tony says:
once again
tony says:
hot tub time machine
tony says:
you're a living paradox
Alex says:
says the guy that doesn't like a polley film
Alex says:
Alex says:
you've changed man
tony says:
tahts totally different
Alex says:
you've changed
Alex says:
tsk tsk
Alex says:
tony says:
read the review!
tony says:
i didnt say i didnt like her
Alex says:
the reviews are a cover up
tony says:
whatever man
Alex says:
I'm whistle blowing
Alex says:
Alex says:
mmmm nmmm
Alex says:
I'm waving my finger right now
tony says:
you're a cretin... i'm coming very close to beating you to a bloody pulp
Alex says:
I've got vegan powers
Ivan says:
You can't use that joke!
tony says:
Alex says:
oh so now I can't like it?
Alex says:
tony says:
i dont get you man
tony says:
tony says:
the film is great... its a bit fast paced.. and if you're older i can see how it would be annoying
tony says:
and the comic is way better
tony says:
and i didnt even mention how awesome ramona and kim were
tony says:
so ignore al and go see the film
Ivan says:
I enjoyed the movie and would watch again.
Ivan says:
The pace was perfect for hyperactive me
Ivan says:
Go watch it!
tony says:
there really is just too many things to mention on how different and unique the film was so i wont bore ppl with it
tony says:
but basically if you ever played mortal kombat or any other video games... then you SHOULD love it
tony says:
if you were dropped several times as a child.. and dont understand the concept of a cult film of this nature (al) then its not for you
Ivan says:
Please Don't let "eat,pray, poop" top it on the charts!
tony says:
9/10 for me.. 1/10 for al
Alex says:
the film just came out, it can't have cult status
Ivan says:
8/10 for me.
Alex says:
6.5/10 for me!
Alex says:
I would buy that Clash of the Demonheads album
tony says:
and the seinfeld spoof was awesome.. and you know it... you just never understood seinfeld anyway.. i guess that goes with being dropped as a child too
tony says:
you WOULD too
tony says:
envy adams lover!
Alex says:
er, her name is Natalie
tony says:
i'll natalie your face

The Chelios Award
Al's Pick:
the League of Evil Exes
Tony's Pick: knives chau
Ivan: Knives

Line of the Movie:
"yeah I hit girls, I'm vegan!"
Tony: "scott you are the scum of the earth"
Ivan: "if your life had a face, I would punch it"

Ivan says:
two kim lines!
Ivan says:
tony says:
hahahaha al you picked the league?!
tony says:
thoughts ivan?
Ivan says:
self explanatory
Alex says:
cuz they have to work together and set aside their differences, thats heart
tony says:
Ivan says:
but they didn't work together!
tony says:
they are united by their common quality!
Ivan says:
he fought all but the twins, SOLO!
tony says:
did you watch the film?
Ivan says:
told you he was distracted!
tony says:
al you were definitely too distracted
Alex says:
I want my own league of evil exes
tony says:
you're scumbag status pretty much guarantees that you will have one
tony says:
tony says:
Alex says:
don't talk to me about grammar!
Alex says:
tony says:
ok that was pretty good