Sunday, November 1, 2009

Saw VI

Alex says:
to get ppl in the mood:
tony says:
ok what can you say about saw?
tony says:
same crap
tony says:
every year
tony says:
more clips from the past and more confusion
Alex says:
maybe 6 is the last,
Alex says:
but I don't think they'll stop
tony says:
they'll never stop
tony says:
eventually it will just all be clips from old saw movies..
Alex says:
with idiots like use perpetuating the crap spewing movie making machine, this will keep coming out, look at the producers of scary movie 4, i think that was a tag line for a movie
tony says:
i've said it once and i'll say it again though.. they're not to blame.. we are.. we keep watching this garbage
Alex says:
they'd have to recap the whole collection of saw and saw XIV will be a 5 hour epic art piece
tony says:
haha true
tony says:
anyway the last thing i want to do in life right now is a saw review
tony says:
tony says:
Alex says:
saw saw...saw sawwww saawwww sawwww saw saw sawww sawa sawww!!!
Alex says:
3/10 sounds about right too

The Chelios Heart Award
Al's Pick:
jigsaw, cuz the man is a mastermind
Tony's Pick: us for hanging in there

Line of the Movie:
"Hello, I want to play a..." ah fuck it
"this is not my game!"

Paranormal Activity

Alex says:
Before the review begins, Tone is still losing sleep over this movie
Alex says:
just thought I throw that out there
tony says:
it's a scary film i dont care what you say
tony says:
it hits and deals with things when you're the most vulnerable and safe
tony says:
when you're at home sleeping
Alex says:
Wild Things is scarier than Paranormal
tony says:
oh please
Alex says:
whatsup with ppl sleeping with their doors open?
tony says:
yeah i mean lets get something straight
tony says:
the characters are unrealistic and stupid
tony says:
especially the boyfriend, he is the quintessential guy who's suppose to die in a horror film. he did everything wrong.
tony says:
but the bottom line is it was effin scary
Alex says:
Micah is the stupiest douche evar!
Alex says:
sure he drives the movie, but common, I think he wanted to fist fight the demon
Alex says:
Blair Witch did it right, and while it took at long time for ppl to openly copy the formula, it doesn't have the same impact anymore
tony says:
blair witch did do it better.. but it was in the woods.. so by default that made it less scary
tony says:
micah is dumb...but he had to be like that.. every other normal person would've stopped filming
tony says:
and then we have no movie
Alex says:
I hope there isn't going to be another influx of home cam horror movies coming out
tony says:
i agree
tony says:
so you didnt think it was scary at all?
tony says:
i almost peed my pants a few times
Alex says:
Alex says:
without giving the plot away, the characters made some really stupid choices and by the end of the film I'm glad they got what they did
tony says:
i agree with everything that u said
tony says:
but it was still scary!
tony says:
anything insubstantial is scary
Alex says:
oooo closing door!, baby powder foot prints! I woulda called Johan the first night already and got this shit over with
tony says:
you're missing the point
tony says:
yes they were idiots! but yes it was terrifying!
Alex says:
If Micah is as dumb as he is, I woulda asked for the demon to pocess my gf and beat the evar loving demonic spirit outta her so bad, the demon woulda felt it
tony says:
i have no defense for how stupid micah is
tony says:
and in a way that did ruin the movie for me
tony says:
but once again it didnt make it less scar.. i am a effin broken record!
tony says:
if any of that happened to u.. i'd like to see how u;d react
Alex says:
blood scarafices, cross, pentagrams, 8gwa mirrors, star of david, goats, chickens, insence, candles of all colours, I fn believe!
tony says:
what is a 8gwa mirror?
Alex says:
Alex says:
tony says:
is that from lost?!
Alex says:
no you moron! are you asian!?
tony says:
i don't walk in those circles ok? i'm afraid of this stuff!
Alex says:
maybe that is why you're afraid!
Alex says:
oh snap!
tony says:
ok that was pretty deep
tony says:
and profound
Alex says:
we're not teaching him, hes teaching us?
tony says:
oh shut up!
tony says:
but regardless.. this was a scary film i dont care what u say.. i can picture any scene and still lose sleep
tony says:
ending was terrifying
tony says:
the whole time i was laughing nervously at the audience to hide the fact that i was terrified
tony says:
there i said it
Alex says:
wot?! no, the ending ruined it even more for me! she got all supernatural and bit the camera? comon
tony says:
dont ruin it!
Alex says:
I did enjoy the audience's reaction, thats the best part of a scary movie
tony says:
how about the girl that kept telling everyone to shut up? and the theatre worker that calmed it down? that's classroom management at its finest
Alex says:
shoulda hauled them out and given their money back lol
tony says:
tony says:
ok i'm gonna give this film a 9/10. it was stupid.. but i haven;'t been scared like this since the exorcist
Alex says:
if words were to express my reaction to this film and the affects it had on you it would be : guffaw
tony says:
Alex says:
5.5/10 for me
Alex says:
go watch Blair Witch

The Chelios Heart Award
Al's Pick:
"Micah" stupidity and bravery go hand in hand
Tony's Pick: as dumb as he was. micah

Line of the Movie:
Al: "
yeah?! go! go upstairs and hang out with your friend!"
" is that all you got?"

Where the Wild Things Are

Alex says:
Alex says:
tony says:
hahaha i still can't believe they casted gandolfini as a wild thing... but i'll get more into that after
Alex says:
Tony Soprano as Carol ruined the film for me
Alex says:
besides other things
Alex says:
Carol shoulda taken a bat to Bob and Terry
tony says:
this film had so much hype for me.. i've read the children's book.. granted i didnt care too much about it.. i found out one of my favourite authors, Dave Eggers was responsible for the screenplay!
tony says:
on top of that karen o was doing the soundtrack! I LOVE KAREN O
tony says:
and on top of that the killer trailer that featured a kickass version of wake up by arcade fire
tony says:
i was soooooo excited
Alex says:
I didn't care much for it, it had the same effect on me as Catcher's
tony says:
i was dissapointed as well
Alex says:
besides, it was a depressing film and subject matter
tony says:
it definitely was depressing
tony says:
all the parts with the bull made me want to shed man tears
Alex says:
"eh? Max, whered da gabagoo at?"
tony says:
the casting of gandolfini made absolutely no sense on so many levels
tony says:
i thought that you had to have a good voice to even do voice acting
tony says:
gandolfini's voice is almost as tolerable as a kid playing with styrofoam while scratching a chalkboard at the same time
tony says:
i kept thinking he was gonna 'whack' max
Alex says:
he was gonna go to work on KW and bob and terry, that woulda been my kinda film,
Alex says:
instead I get nightmarish emotions personfied into wild things
Alex says:
and the goat kept reminding me of lamia
tony says:
tony says:
what did you think of max?
tony says:
the other wild things you speak of were pretty cool.. i mean i wish i had some insight on what they all represented.. but then again.. i am glad i don't
Alex says:
personally, I think Max did not need an LSD induced journey of self discovery and coming of age bullshit, he needed a good smack up side da head.
Alex says:
buy since the father figure is not there...then I guess thats why theres a movie
tony says:
see i agree! i mean from a teachers perspective.. i see these kids all the time.. granted his situation at home made it more sympathizing.. but at the same time.. this is the type of kid that would beat another kid with a ruler then cry afterward when you yell at him
tony says:
future criminal though, there i said it
Alex says:
eye for an eye! let the other kids beat him with a ruler
tony says:
the movie also didnt have enough catherine keener.. she never seems to be in a movie enough
Alex says:
needed more ruffalo
tony says:
had too much ruffalo
Alex says:
too much Max, and too much "eh?! Gabagoo wtf! bob and terry?!"
tony says:
for the record the soundtrack also sucked.. it should've been called the kids featuring karen o.. man i love karen o
Alex says:
I kept hearing arcade fire, and it did not deliver
Alex says:
for our readers: watch the trailer, its enough
tony says:
tony says:
out of sentimental aspects though i will give this film a 7/10
tony says:
visually it was great
Alex says:
6/10, the wild things costumes were well done
tony says:

The Chelios Heart Award
Al's Pick:
The Bull
Tony's Pick: alexander

Line of the Movie:
Al: "
tell them nice things about us"
" woman! FEED ME!"